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Text and images are created by artificial intelligence or AI. The text has been published in its unchanged form, and the goal of the project is to demonstrate the ability of AI content creation in the Estonian language.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to “think” like humans. In recent years, artificial intelligence has played an important role in our pop culture and media. From Siri answering our questions to Google Now and Alexa, the voice recognition software that lives in smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home. Artificial intelligence is also heavily used in content creation tools. While it may seem like there are only a few AI-specific programs or add-ons available for most content management systems, you may not be aware of just how many are out there. This article discusses what artificial intelligence is, how it affects content creation, and how you can prepare for the future. Read on to learn more about artificial intelligence and its impact on your everyday life.

What is artificial intelligence and how does it work?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to "think" like humans. It has been around for decades and is nothing new, but has been “revived” in recent years. But what exactly is artificial intelligence and how does it work? For starters, artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies how to make machines “think” like humans. Simply put, artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to learn and make decisions based on data, and where possible make decisions that are difficult for humans to make, such as emotions. However, artificial intelligence does not mean that machines make decisions based on human wishes, but that the computer learns from data and then makes decisions on its own.

What is AI?

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: What's the Talk and How Does It Affect Content Creation?

AI image “Robot on a typewriter”

Before we jump into the how AI affects our content management and creative workflow, we should talk about the “what” and “right” terminology that is often found in the world of AI. First and foremost, artificial intelligence is definitely not a “what”, because it is not “artificial” at all. Artificial intelligence is inspired by the human brain and generally works behind the scenes to make everyday tasks easier. A computer can "learn" and "understand" data, "make decisions" and "understand" the context of a certain situation. As you can see, AI is about making things “easier” for both machines and humans, not “making” decisions. So when people talk about "wrong" AI, they are probably talking about "the AI ​​does/doesn't make one decision or another". Finally, when people say that the AI ​​“gets something wrong” or “doesn't understand”, what they usually mean is that the AI ​​has misinterpreted the data it was given and thus made the wrong decision.

How will artificial intelligence affect content creation in the future?

As we explored above, AI is already starting to make an impact content management and workflow. For example, smart speakers like Alexa or Google Home use voice recognition to help us with our daily tasks. Artificial intelligence has also begun to influence content creation. For example, neural networks help video processors create more realistic-looking effects in their videos. Artificial intelligence has also begun to influence the publishing industry in terms of content research, copywriting and in other respects. The next big step in creating content for AI is creating “human-like” AI tools. Imagine an AI tool that can write articles, develop web pages, and even manage blogi. Artificial intelligence has the potential to completely change the way content is created and published. Imagine a tool that can write articles with natural-sounding words and even create a comprehensive blog post with a relevant headline, body of text, and images.

The benefits of artificial intelligence in content creation

As we saw above, AI has the potential to completely change the way content is created and published. And while it may seem like we're only talking about “writing” articles and blog posts, AI has the potential to change the entire content creation workflow. AI can use data to develop content templates that make content creation more efficient. AI can also help you find data-driven content ideas that are not only more effective, but also more fun. By creating content templates, you can save time writing content for different content types. In addition, AI allows you to quickly find relevant content ideas. It can even filter your search results based on topics, topic keywords, etc. This means you can find quality content ideas that are relevant to your blog or website. With artificial intelligence in your content creation workflow, you can create content faster and more accurately.

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence in content creation

While AI has the potential to completely change the way we create and publish content, it also has some drawbacks when it comes to content creation. First and foremost, AI does not fully understand human language. Second, AI is not perfect at logical thinking and is best used in tasks that do not require these skills. In other words, AI can perform tasks that require “rules,” such as creating templates or finding relevant content ideas, but it cannot perform tasks that require “logic,” such as determining the factual correctness or ethicality of content. With AI, you're probably better off using a human text editor or editor to look for grammatical errors or logical errors.

Artificial intelligence in content management systems

Now that we know what AI is and how it affects content creation, we can begin to explore how AI can be used in content management systems. First, let's talk about how artificial intelligence can be used in content research. With AI, you can use machine learning to find relevant content in your data. You can then use those gold nuggets for your own content marketingstrateegia to create. In addition, AI can help you find content ideas for blog posts, articles, resumes, and more. It can also help you find content that is relevant to your target audience and their needs and interests. For example, if you run a travel blog, AI can help you find ideas that are relevant to your target audience.

How to use artificial intelligence to create content?

Now that we know how AI can help us create content, let's turn our attention to how we can use AI to create content. First, let's talk about how artificial intelligence can be used to find content ideas. To do this, you can use machine learning to find content ideas in your dataset, or you can use a tool like Clue. Then we'll talk about how you can use AI in your content writing. With AI, you can use machine learning to find the right words and craft your article, or you can use a tool like TextRank to help you write relevant and persuasive content. To use AI for content management, you can create a workflow where you write content using a tool like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and then you can publish it using a content management system like WordPress, Medium, TypePad or even Microsoft Word.


Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to "think" like humans. It has been around for decades and is not new, but has been “revived” in recent years. It can help with content creation, research, and more. With AI, you can use machine learning to find relevant content in your data, or you can use a tool like Clue to help you find content ideas. With artificial intelligence in your content creation workflow, you can create content faster and more accurately. While AI has the potential to completely change the way content is created and published, it also has some drawbacks to content creation. AI does not understand human language perfectly, it is not perfect in logical thinking, and it is best used for tasks that do not require these skills. First, AI can perform tasks that require “rules,” such as creating templates or finding relevant content ideas, but it cannot perform tasks that require “logic,” such as determining the factual correctness or ethicality of content.